ceritera kerja.

hi beloved readers. i na share ngan you all bout my first ever working experience. i have it about only a month. i resign awal sebabbbbbb....... haaa, ni yang nak share dgn korg niiii :)
as i promised in my previous entry that i want to tell you about my work. minta maaf sangat sbb ta cerita2 sampai da berhneti baru nak cerita. piqa mintak maaf ya ! mmg sejujurnya i takada masa na menghadap blog berjam2 update story baru. nanti korang kompem paham nape i mengabaikan my readers and for sure my lovely blog.
i give you a lil bit description of my part time work,
i'm working at a restaurant called idaman emas just infront of the pontian bustand (sape dok pontian taulaa kan). restoran tu empunya makcik kantin sekola i y terdahulu ( eversimce she opened her bussiness at my school canteen, i didn't impressed at all with her. she's bossy in my first thought of her. and it's totally correct okayyy ! haha *bangga.. enough with my not so short description.
nak dijadikan cite, around mid of march, just a few days before i went to KL for my dad's birthday party, i got a call from my friend's 'future' mother-in-law. she asked me for my willing to work at the restaurant together with 2 frens of mine. as she's the one i kinda know her, i said okay, and just after i came back from KL, my work day started. the job is kinda tough based on its time. i started my job from 630 a.m till 5.00 p.m. how is it. office hour pun tak macam tu kannn. tapi bila sampai part gaji org akn ckp '' ohhh, okaylaaa". gaji sehari rm25.00. gaji dapat seminggu sekali. kedai beroperasi 6 hari seminggu. and holiday i hari selasa. see, how lepak i am masa kerja. balik rumah, mandi semayang, makan malam, tgok tv sekejap trus pengsan dalam bilik. that's my routine everyday, mana tak i punya blog terbiar gitu aje. facebook pun sama.
berdasarkam apa y kawan i cerita kerja situ best. i pun mestilah percaya. and masa first day i mula kerja, i kenal2 dgn pekerja2 lain. tak ramai pekerja kat situ, dalam 7 org sahaja including me. i kerja awal drpd plan i y sebenar sbb i dapat offer awal. masa tu i masih belajar memandu. n so do my friend. so masa i mula2 kerja dia cuti. i kerja awl pun sbb kedai tu sangat2 perlukan org. i pun ikhlas hati dtg kerja sbb nak cover short pekerja kan. i start kerja hari rabu. 15th of march if im not mistaken. seminggu sebelum result spm keluar. then belum seminggu i kerja i kena mintak cuti on monday sbb nak belajar kereta. haritula i mula kecil hati kerja kat situ, i mintak cuti sbb nak beljar then the boss (makcik kantin) said "ni y malas nak amek budak spm keje ni, asek mintak cuti je" perasaan i waktu tu mmh sumpah i na sepak2 boss tu. i cuti bukan suka suka. i ada reason. lagipun masa awal2 dia y nak. skg ble da keje, tak puas hati pulak. masa tu i buat pekak je. then. macam biasa. masa result keluar kedai cuti sbb ramai y nak cuti(3org). betapa i sanggup bekorban ngan kerja,pagi rabu i pergi belajar kereta sblm amek result. dala pakai baju sekolah. malu gilaaa ! FYI,my sekolah tercinta wajibkan student amek result pakai baju sekolah. hahahah ! sayang babe ngan sekola.
week 2 : my supervisor told us y bos tanya kitorg ni ade amek duet kaunter ke? though the question is just a question but y i should be asked? faham tak kenapa i tak puashati. soalan tu keluar sebab ada syak wasangka kat kitorg. sejak i pertama kali jadi waitress kat situ i tek penah terfikir nak mencuri duit tu. pada i duit2 y i trma dpd customer,masuk directly ke kaunter, i rasa macam i kerja for my own. seronok tgok duit banyak macam kedai tu i y punya. i tak pernah terfikir nak amek duet kat situ. bila i da tdgr soalan tu baru i terfikir. i geram sangat2. tapi i sabar lagi sbb dia just tanya je. biarlaaa... i seronok lagi kerja kat situ.
i shortkan my story sbb i tanak cte aib2 org kat sini. i faced many problems. i makan hati. seems that no one will appreciate my work. almost everyday i menangis sbb kne teguran y kasar. i tahu i ank manja, i trma teguran tp mestilah dari cara y betul lagi2 i ni remaja. hati memberontak aje.. since i masuk kerja a lady that working there seems dislike me. though sometimes she's okay. my friend told me, she never been that way before. keep angry all day long. my friend felt guilty for me as he suggest me to work there. sejak tu i rasa i y buat kedai tu kucar kacir, so i give uplaa. i bawak hati ke KL. now i da okay. i stay KL for 3 weeks until my big brother finish up his diploma. i update cerita ni kat rumah aunty i kat ampang :) haha ! da sampai masa na have fun kat kl. da lama tak berjalan. heee ! k la. it's getting late,my eyes are getting sore. i post next entry later yaaa ! gudnyte my lovers. :)


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