i wanna share with you my blog's songs. these are among my addicted songs

take me to your heart
Hiding from the rain and snow
Trying to forget but I won't let go
Looking at a crowded street
Listening to my own heart beat

So many people all around the world
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl

Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand before I'm old
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue
Show me that wonders can be true

They say nothing lasts forever
We're only here today
Love is now or never
Bring me far away

Take me to your heart take me to your soul
Give me your hand and hold me
Show me what love is - be my guiding star
It's easy take me to your heart

Standing on a mountain high
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky
I should go and see some friends
But they don't really comprehend

Don't need too much talking without saying anything
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing

you took my heart away

Staring at the moon so blue
Turning all my thoughts to you
I was without hopes or dreams
I tried to dull an inner scream
But you saw me through

Walking on a path of air
See your faces everywhere
As you melt this heart of stone
You take my hand to guide me home
And now I'm in love

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

Living in a world so cold
You are there to warm my soul
You came to mend a broken heart
You gave my life a brand new start
And now I'm in love

You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything
And a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life

Holding your hand
I won't fear tomorrow
Here where we stand
We'll never be alone

who is

Oh I Was Perfect For The Circus
If She Dared Me Id Do It
Love Makes You Supid
I Gave It up
But I Guess It Was Not Enough
Cause She Never Seemed Satisfied

I Know Im Not Perfect
But At The End Of The Day, Who Is? Oooh
She Wanted Someone Thats Perfect, Ok
But Can You Tell Me Who Is?

Ooooh Oooh Ooh
Ooooh Oooh Ooh

She's At The Bar Just Above The Star's
A Rocket Couldnt Reach It But I Still Kept On Reaching
She Watched Me Try At Least A Thousand Times
If She Loved Me She'd Stopped Me But Nooo
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/bruno-mars-lyrics/who-is-lyrics.html ]

Oooh I Know Im Not Perfect
But At The End Of The Day Who Is Oooh
She Wanted Someone Thats Perfect,Well Ok
But Can You Tell Me Who Is?

I Saw Something Worth My Future
So Right So Wrong
In My Mind I was all it took, But I Guess I Was Wrong??

Oooh I Know Im Not Perfect
But At The End Of The Day Who Is Oooh
She Wanted Someone Thats Perfect,Well Ok
But Can You Tell Me Who Is?

Ooooh Oooh Ooh
Ooooh Oooh Ooh

continue bersharing". haha.

hai everyone :) assalamualaikum.
nak mengadulaa. aku penatttt ! haila~
even aku tade kua rumaa sehari ni ( all day long terperap dalam bilik ngadap laptop)
ni sume salah blog! nape awak jahat sangattt. dera saya aje :(
serve you right oh piqa. sape soh gatal tangan sign up blogger ni. so jgn patah balik. teruskan.
oh,memandangkan tgh ckp pasal blog sendiri, nak say thanx banyak kepade special GUEST say kerana sudi luangkan mas membaca blog y tak seberapa nni. but i really2 need your support.
okayla,piqa penat sgt coz mengadap blog ni. mendesign sane sini smpai sakit kepala and sakit tengkuk yg tak terkata. khusyuk menelaah blog ni and blog org smpai terignore mesej y bertrillion2 masuk. baik di pesbuk mahupun handphone.
hmm,korg nak dengar tak pasal life aku. i mean bout my hobbies, my favourites stuff or maybe my family, something like that y aku nak share. korg nak takk?
hmm,aku nak buat tp tunggu aku punye blog fully siap eh. aku akn cte pelan2.
kaylaa. mata aku pun da cam mata panda. ta tido lagi. ni sume pasal blog ni laa ! haiissssh . blog lagi yg kene,.
dah dah dah.
thanx foe readings guysss :)

lots of sayangsss

file sharing saya :D

toink ! toink! *nada hey! hey !
na dgo cite pasal budak nama zaty syafiqah takk? 
korg mesti ttnye2 sape si zaty tu. poyo je nak tau pasal die,
bukan artis pon.
HOI. hello kalau tanak amek tau jgn na nyebok kat page ni. haha.
okay! *mara konon2.
aku ta mara la kalau korg ta ske page aku cme jgn kritik lebih2la. t aku nges kat depan laptop. korg bukan nmpk laptop ni je yg nmpk. laptop pon ta bole nak pujuk aku. isk,isk.isk,
kaylaah, aku na cite akitviti aku smlm. 
aku membuta sampaila aku tesedo "eh, da kol bape la ni,da bape jamla aku buat peta pontian ni." aku tgok jam kat enset, trus ckp "eleh,baru pukul 10. waktu standard aku bangun."
subuh aku? aku kire aku da smyg td. tp aku tgok telekung punye lipatan cam tyme pas aku smyg isyak mlm smlm. ahh,aku subuh dalam mimpi la ni. ya allah, tgok korg,kawan korg ni teruk betul an. tp da terlajak na buat cmne. astagfirullah alazim.(korg jgn risau,aku qadak kehh. tp subuh jela, y laen aku tiptop taww)
aku malas nak story detail2. aku pon bukak fbla kan. aktiviti bse. amek tau pe kwn aku komplain2 kat sane. topik same.budak same.aku da mle boring dahh. tp kali ni aku ta boring cam slalu coz aku tgh dalam misi mencari kawan2 lame tyme aku darjah 5 kay sk bukit kemuning (2). aku stahun je skola kat situ tp sngtlaa seronok bkwn nan dorg. ni aku gledah2 blek. jmpela jgk nama2 yg aku ingat. totally changed ye.
ni aku share nan korg skola aku tu

haaa. ni la y dapat aku jmpe. dalam2 skola ni akt ta de jmpe la plak gmbo die :)
teringat aku tyme skola situ. hailaa ~ kecik lagi masing2. 
skg masing2 da srown up. have their own thoughts. lain da sng kate .
lagi2 bestie aku. she's chinese. differ races differ lifestyle da. haha. 
sokayyla aku still happy dapat cari dorg balik. dorg pun tekejot sgt aku jmpe fb dorg. haha.
i'm very happy to meet u guys lah .

okay,around 3 plannye kitorg na celebrate bday teha n bella,tp ats permintaan dorg,knela postpone at 4. alaa, bukan celebrate gempak2 pun. potong2 kek n mkn2 gitu je. tp still seronok coz da lame ta berkumpul2 gitu bercerita y tah hape2. serius aku da lame ta glak cam semalam. teha, aina, bella n ziyra. aku sanadlaa seronok yee :)
hope so teha n bella enjoy the present anting2 from me n zira. sorry. tak seberape coz kitorg ni bukanla pekerja mahupun bekerjaya, 
n nak wish korg happy 18th birthday.
nak upload gmbo korg potong kek tuh tp aku skg ni lom bukak fb n aku lom upload dpd on aku. nty aku share laaah ea :)

then,tgh jmpe2 dorg tu aku kne check fon azmira (another bestie).ingatkan da siap. rupnye baru nak hanto. sengal punye kedai. dala jual fon tah hape2. beru gne ta smpai sehari fon da rosak an. bongok ann?
dagu dtg foe azmira's fon tp fon tu ta siap2 tpksela die balik cmtu je. aku ase bslh sgt2 kat die,
dala die penat keje. then datang pontian just sia2. lagi aku ase bslh ble die ngadu kat aku y kaki die sakit.
sorry sangat tau sayang. i didn't mean to. lau tau sy tak suruh awak dtg.
nak gelak tgok mke dagu semalam. poyo habisss ! mke bgun tido. hahahaha. nseb bek aku ley ctrl dpd na gelak terkekek2.then i'm, finally home at 630p.m.

malam? lepak aje. aku tgok drama kindaichi hajime. rindu na tgok cte tu. tau tak korg cte tu? sape y bace manga penyiasat remaja mesti tau cte tuu. then aku tgok movie child's play. allaaaaa. patung hodoh chucky tu? msti tau kann? tau punyee.. hagak da.. hahaha

tu jela.. mlm tadi mom n dad balik lambat coz ade meeting. n dinner kitorg mmgla ta menaikkan nafsu mkn aku. maktok tak masak. aku bole je masak tp ta nak la. nt kene kritik 4500 ela oleh maktok. taula aku masak cincai bocai:(  aku kebetulan tade selera. lgpun aku da knyg mkn kat KFC ptg tu. tp perut aku ni gedik ble adek aku lagi menggedik tepon ayh aku soh bli burger drive-thru (burger tepi jalan). tp ayah aku ta beli pun. OH ! KUCIWAA.:(
aku da semangat2 nak makan burger. last2 ayh aku ta beli. sokayyla ayah. piqa tak kesaa pun. perut je ngade2.pastu ann, adela sorg budak gedik ni buadd aku marah+mengamuk. dagu laaah. aku pun tatau npe aku cm tsentap nan die ckp, then aku merajuk. die da pujuk2, pastu aku cm da ok. then aku send text aku ala2 cam aku da na ok. tp die spoilkan lagi. die bole tetido. grr. aku lgi arr ngmok annn ! aku ta bape kesa sgt die ttdo aku phm die keje tp korg mesti pnh terlintas an rase ttbe rase kne tinggal? penaa tak? hahaha. gedik kan kawan korg ni. haha.
aku ase aku ni mmg ngade2. then seterusnya biarlah jadi hak peribadi aku n dia. haha. sorry guys. hal rumah tangga tak bole cmpo. 
kaylaa. malam t aku post lagi foe another story. kalau ade story bestlaa. kalau tak aku cite sal aku dolu2 ehh. hahahaha.

           PIQAH J

i reveal something inside. haha

hey ! hey ! dua hari ni bad weather kann? so kat sini tak bape nak panaslaaah. haha.

okay, i feel like i have a strength to share my story here. sebenarnya aku masih malu2 lagi nak story bout my everyday life taww. taktawu nape. tapi tak kesala. name pon blog. dulik ape. org nak ckp, ta suke baik angkat kaki awl2. ye takkk?.
aku rase cam aku ni blom sesuai ade bloglaa. aku ade penyakit. nak tawu penyakit die? tgokla list bawah ni.
penyakit2 yg sedang dihidapi oleh cik zaty syafiqah zulkarnain:

  1. malas gile nak bukak internet (semalam pagi je aku bukak tu pon tgok fb nak bukak blog malas coz kene taip memanjang)
  2. berat tulang(nak gerak tangan pun malas. tenaga diperlukan utk mulut dan tangan lain ke? coz kalau soh ckp aku laju je) 
  3. berebut laptop ngan adek aku (aku gne kuasa veto aku sbg akak ta bg adek aku online hari2. mlm tadi adek aku da gne so die takkan gne foe arini, so akulah y berkuasa tok satu hari ni. YAHOO !)
  4. da bukak fb utk 4 jam ( rase pehhh lame gila aku da ngadap laptop. tutup dulu lahh. kasi sejuk. pastu da tutup penyakit aku y ptama n kedua tu trus sengat aku)
tu laa sbbnye aku ni ta sesuai na buadd blog. bukan 24jam aku ngadap internet. huh. tp da terbuadd. kenela truskan perjuangan. bak kata org terlajak jalan boleh u-turn, terlajak buadd blog knela truskan. hailaaa ~ go ! go ! chaiyo la tuk aku kan. grr. *ta semangat.

budak baru belajar.

hai everyone. err, i hope so u already noe who i am. :)
but let me share with u my short description.
u just can call me zet or piqa.
 i much prefer those two names. 
i was born at 22nd of march 1993. so i need your help to count by yourself how old i was. ekeke :)
so next time i don't have to upddate my age.
my hometown is pontian. i am truly pontianese okayy.
i currently waiting foe my SPM's result to be announced. i really hope that i get a most excellent result that i have ever achieved. so pray foe me. we'll talk later foee next posts okay.
tAnK U.
hasil bersengkang mata cik ZatySyafiqahZulkarnain