whoaaa ! dah lama siaaa

peh peh peh. eversince i stepped in UiTM puncak alam terus lupa blog. haha. a lot of story lahh kan tak dapat nak share kat dalam blog terchenta ni :) sorry sangat2 sebab lately busy gila. penat pun satu hal. balik bilik nampak laptop and katil, for suree katil is my aim. hahaha ! malaslahh nak update blog time penat, otak blank bila nak start typing. hehe. so far kat sini okayy. happy. cuma everyday word that i selalu zikir kt sini ialah penat ! lagi2 lepas naik tangga ke syurga tuu. hahaha. weekends kat sini bebas. bestlaaahhh. aktahu nak describe macam mana. places for class juga mantoppp! memang sedap buat tahi mata especially time kuliah. hehe. to my adek2 or junior2. blajar rajin2 nanti boleh masuk sini. seronok. tp dapat further overseas lagi bagus :)
k la, dah start speechless. nanti nak share some photo lepak2 every weekend kat KL
till then. love you all.

xoxo, piqa

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