19 FEBRUARY 2011

its saturday~ i woke up at noon. matahari da tegak gile2 babeng aku baru terpisat2 trun dpd katil.
bukan aku ni kaki tido okayy. aku tido pas subuh! hahaha. layan sorg mamat kat facebook. haha. sengal kau pojie :) he's my cousin.

hmmm, pegi JB ! yay.
Ni my appearance foe my JB time. ta de full pitcha coz ta sempat n suro qila amek kan..ni pon okee jeklaa.
just simple lorhh.

simple jek kan~ ~
my mom cakap kat CS ade sale. mata I da terbayang2 simbol 70%,50%. LOL !
n kebetulan last tuesday is my sista birthday.

this is my sista. she's 14. her birthday is just a day after valentine's day. so here i take an oppurtunity to wish her happy birthday darll :) hope so u have a lot of happy moments in your life. hee~
 as her birthday gift(tak gift sgtlaa)my parents bawak makan2 skali for celebrating it. makan diiii...

hohoho ! da lame ta makan. YUMMMY ! die punye milkshake sedap gile. haraga pon sedappp ! mahal nak mamposss. aku ase aku ade sempat amek sblm kene tibai ngan aku dek kesedapan di y gila babeng !

HALAAMMMMAKKK. mne tah pitcha nye. pape pun SEDAP GILEE !

then mule la sesi menyerang sale ! mmg mura gile2. mostly less 70 n 50. SERONOKKK.
the sale offered SEED PADINI and HUSH PUPPS. byk lagi tp tu je y aku ingat. laen da lupe.

i've bought two tshirt n a errmmm,taktawu ni dress or a blouse. myb a short dress. i've taken a pic each of the clothes. mmg jauh beza harga asal dgn harga sale. almost 150 boleh jimattt ! BEST KANNN ?
ni pitcha of the bajuussss.

ni laa baju nye setelah di edit2 siket. hee~ okee takkk?

then aku beli something y mmg aku rase puas hati sangat2.
nak tgokkkk?
ni aku share pitcha nye....

its a crocs shoes. harga mmg superrbbb. tp aku tanak gtau korg bape harga die. if na tau sangat g la kedai crocs. amacam? cun takkk? baldu tau tuhhh. i felt gorgeous whenever i'm wearing ittt !

then. after soseh2 kat CS we made our way home but before that singgah sebentarr diii....

my favourite ngunyil2 tau taaa?
aku addicted pade pretzel stix y bersalut dgn chocolate. pehhh! ~MENGANCAMMM 
nak share gambar jappp !

alike2 macam ni. tp salut serbuk tu tuka nan chocolate. gmba y chocolate punye tade. aku geledah2. ni aje y ade.. SEDAPPPP sangattt !

ni muke aku lepas membantai pretzel. puass beb !

muke miannggg KANN !~ AHHAA~

then balik pada pukul 8 lebeyh malam. the typical saturday story end here but though its just a typical,it brings a lot of fun to meee ! :)

0 omongann :):

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